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Excellence in Action
Allegan County Medical Care Community is a 2013 recipient of the Excellence in Action Award. The award is presented by My InnerView, the nation’s leading provider of performance improvement solutions for the senior care profession.

Feedback from: The Nursing Home Site
Allegan County Medical Care Community in Allegan, Michigan has 70 beds compared to a Michigan average of 109.23 and a National average of 106.41. As of the last update they had 65 residents compared to a MI average of 92.23 and a National average of 88.66. This results in a 93% occupancy rate compared to a Michigan average of 84.70% and a national average of 81.98%.
ALLEGAN COUNTY MEDICAL CARE COMMUNITY's star ratings compare as follows:
Overall Rating: 5 stars compared to a MI average of 3.25 and a National average of 3.04.
Health Inspection Rating: 5 stars compared to a MI average of 2.79 and a National average of 2.81.
Nurses Rating: 4 stars compared to a MI average of 3.44 and a National average of 3.00.
Quality Measures Rating: 4 stars compared to a MI average of 3.41 and a National average of 3.16.
RN Only Rating: 4 stars compared to a MI average of 3.44 and a National average of 2.96.
Averaging the available ratings gives an aggregate star rating of 4.4 for ALLEGAN COUNTY MEDICAL CARE COMMUNITY versus the MI average of 3.266 and a national average of 2.99.

Our Mission
Our mission integrates five main values into every aspect of care:
• Respect
• Compassion
• Honesty
• Integrity
• Dignity
We bring these values to life by:
• Treating all whom we encounter with respect and dignity,
• Providing equal access to those who seek our services,
• Promoting the quality of life through our loving and compassionate care,
• Acting with honesty and integrity, and
• Being good stewards of our resources.